Overcoming IDA with a Vegetarian/ Vegan Diet

A Food Guide to Combating IDA
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Vegetarians and vegans are less prone to heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and certain cancers too.1,2 If properly planned, vegetarian/vegan diets are can be healthy and nutritionally adequate.1 However, plant-based diets can cause certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies.3 Vegetarians/vegans should be aware of these potential dietary deficiencies to plan a well-balanced diet.

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is prevalent in vegetarians than in non-vegetarians, particularly in women.2 Plant-based iron-rich foods have iron which is difficult to absorb because of inhibitors that hamper iron absorption.4 Therefore, vegetarians need 1.8 times more iron than non-vegetarians.2


Now, how can you fulfil this additional dietary requirement? Follow the Food guide to combating IDA and consider the following additional tips:4


Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, soybeans and beans are iron-rich but contain iron absorption inhibitors
Include cowpea and bean leaves along with other leafy vegetables in your diet. They are a rich source of iron
Consider including iron-rich superfoods like algae and mushrooms in your diet. They are also rich in other nutrients apart from iron.
Switch to iron-fortified cereals and juices.
Probiotics increase iron absorption rates. Ask your doctor to prescribe you the right probiotics.
Think nutritional supplements. Multivitamins + Iron (Iberet® Active) has been specifically designed for the prevention
Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, soybeans and beans are iron-rich but contain iron absorption inhibitors. Squeeze some lemon juice on these foods before eating. The vitamin C from lemon juice will help with iron absorption.
Include cowpea and bean leaves along with other leafy vegetables in your diet. They are a rich source of iron.
Consider including iron-rich superfoods like algae and mushrooms in your diet. They are also rich in other nutrients apart from iron.
Switch to iron-fortified cereals and juices.
Probiotics increase iron absorption rates. Ask your doctor to prescribe you the right probiotics.
Think nutritional supplements. Multivitamins + Iron (Iberet® Active) has been specifically designed for the prevention and treatment of IDA. Apart from iron, it also has vitamin C for better absorption, and vitamin B complex, another deficiency common in a vegetarian diet. Multivitamins + Iron (Iberet® Active) also features Gradumet® Technology that ensures maximum iron absorption while being gentle on your stomach.5

IDA is preventable and treatable even on a vegetarian/vegan diet. You have already made a healthy choice of going vegetarian/vegan, now make healthier choices at every meal – choose iron-rich foods and eat them the right way!

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PHI2205245 (v1.1)
Recommended for iron supplementation for pregnant and lactating women
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


1Melina V, Craig W, Levin S. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016;116(12):1970-1980. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2016.09.025.

2Pawlak R, Berger J, Hines I. Iron Status of Vegetarian Adults: A Review of Literature. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016;12(6):486-498. doi:10.1177/1559827616682933.

3Bakaloudi DR, Halloran A, Rippin HL, et al. Intake and adequacy of the vegan diet. A systematic review of the evidence. Clin Nutr. 2021;40(5):3503-3521. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2020.11.035

4Verna G, Sila A, Liso M, et al. Iron-Enriched Nutritional Supplements for the 2030 Pharmacy Shelves. Nutr . 2021;13(2). doi:10.3390/nu13020378

5Nielsen JB, Ikkala E, Sölvell L, Björn-Rasmussen E, Ekenved G. Absorption of iron from slow-release and rapidly-disintegrating tablets - a comparative study in normal subjects, blood donors and subjects with iron deficiency anaemia. Scand J Haematol Suppl. 1976;28:89-97. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0609.1976.tb00351.x.

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